RBI Work Readiness

1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this program is to outline Paladin Capital and Affiliates’ expectations regarding Readiness for Work, and to help prevent and mitigate risk associated with fatigue.

2.0 Scope
This Readiness for Work Program applies to all staff in safety and non safety and sensitive positions, when they are engaged in Company business, working on Company premises, when on call or when driving Company vehicles whether owned or rented.

3.0 Roles and Resposibilities

Senior Leaders
• Policies for scheduling employee work time
• Policies that specifically define “fitness for work” that include
• Alcohol and drug policies
• Access to medical and other appropriate assistance
• Authorization for staff to make alternative arrangements when a driver is not fit for duty
• Education content and process for drivers in Readiness for Work
• Verify Shareholder understanding of the corporate plan and policies
• Verify Shareholder knowledge of the risk factors affecting fitness for Duty

Frontline Supervisors
• Monitor and adhere to all hours of service rules and regulations
• Recognize fatigue as a workplace hazard and utilize this program in identifying possible signs of fatigue and taking steps to reduce risk
• Ensure all staff for which they are responsible are familiar with HOS rules and regulations
• Consider fatigue issues when scheduling and dispatching
• Monitor worker fitness for duty

• Arrive at work fit for duty, and remain fit for duty, the entire shift.
• Advise their supervisor if they are not fit for duty.
• Take accountability for their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others at the workplace and on the road, as it relates to fatigue, including without limitation to stop what they are doing to intervene if a fellow shareholder is displaying signs or symptoms of fatigue.
• Report to their supervisor any concerns related to their own or a fellow shareholder’s fatigue, as well as all fatigue related incidents.

4.0 Readiness for Work
4.1 Fatigue Signs and Symptoms

Physical signs of fatigue may include:
• Excessive yawning, lack of energy, heavy eyelids, eye-rubbing, micro sleeps, reduced hand eye coordination.
• A fatigued worker may also experience symptoms not obvious to others including, but not limited to, drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or impaired visual perception

Mental signs of fatigue may include:
• Difficulty concentrating on tasks, lapses in attention, difficulty remembering, failure to communicate important information, failure to anticipate events or actions, making mistakes.

Emotional signs of fatigue may include:
• Quiet or withdrawn, lacking motivation to do the task well, irritable or grumpy with colleagues, family or friends, emotional outburst, aggression, repeatedly arriving late for work, frequent unexplained absences.

4.2 Fatigue Control Stategies
• Complying with all HOS rules and regulations
• Getting adequate sleep
• Staying hydrated
• Maintaining your health
• Complying with all recommendations and requirements of the HealthCheck360 Condition Management program.
• Understanding the effects of medications, both prescription and over the counter.
• Planning your meals, multiple small meals are prefferable to one large meal.
• Completing all assigned Readiness for Work modules in the Infinit-i adult learning platform. These will be assigned on a recurring periodic schedule. This information will also be covered in Shareholder meetings, Driver information boards, Safety monitors, etc.

Readiness for Work Program Acknowledgement

I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the rules and spirit of the Robert Bearden Readiness for Work Program.